We asked the 2024 Election candidates for the North East Cambridgeshire constituency to tell us what they thought about the education system. 

We’ve already asked for their views on the cost-of-living crisisthe Wisbech incinerator and the NHS.

You can also get to know the candidates... 


Steve Barclay. Conservative.  

Steve Barclay is the Conservative candidate for North East Cambridgeshire.Steve Barclay is the Conservative candidate for North East Cambridgeshire. (Image: Steve Barclay)

“People in North East Cambridgeshire are rightly proud of our fantastic local schools. 

“We’ve secured extra cash for local schools as part of a £100m government investment in Fenland. 

“And across the country, our education system is steadily improving thanks to the investment this government has provided. There are record numbers of teachers, 27,000 more than 2010 

“Nine out of 10 schools are rated ‘Good’ or ‘Outstanding’, up from 68 per cent in 2010.  

“School funding is at the highest level in real terms per pupil ever. 

“Under our plan for education, this government will protect day-to-day schools spending in real terms per pupil and work with schools and local authorities across the country to improve classroom attendance. 

“We will change the law to make clear, beyond all doubt, that parents have a right to see what their child is being taught in school. 

“I’m passionate about doing my bit to encourage literacy locally, and help youngsters get the reading bug. 

“Every year, my Read to Succeed campaign raises enough money to give Year 4 pupils across the constituency a new reading book to take home for the summer holidays. 

“I am keen to see more opportunities for teenagers to learn vita skills for their future locally. So I was delighted by the opening of the £3.2m new training centre at Chatteris.” 


David Chalmers. Liberal Democrat.

David Chalmers is the Liberal Democrat candidate for North East Cambridgeshire.David Chalmers is the Liberal Democrat candidate for North East Cambridgeshire. (Image: Supplied by David Chalmers) “Liberal Democrats believe that education is the best investment we can make in our children’s potential and our country’s future.  

“The Conservatives have consistently let down children and parents and neglected schools and colleges.

"They have failed to grasp the scale of the damage that the Covid pandemic has done to children’s learning and mental health. 

“We will invest in education, starting in the crucial early years and continuing throughout adulthood. We want every child to get the support and attention they need at school, so they leave with the skills, resilience and confidence to lead successful lives. 

“Starting by: 

  • Increasing school and college funding per pupil above the rate of inflation every year. 
  • Ending the scandal of crumbling school and college buildings by investing in new buildings and clearing the backlog of repairs. 
  • Reversing Conservative cuts to the Pupil Premium and introducing a young people’s premium for those aged 16-18. 
  • Expanding Free School Meals to all children in poverty. 
  • Introducing a tutoring guarantee for every disadvantaged pupil who needs extra support.  
  • Providing a dedicated mental health professional in every school, both primary and secondary. 
  • Giving local authorities extra funding to support special education needs provision.” 


Andrew Crawford. Green Party.  

Andrew Crawford is the candidate for the Green Party.Andrew Crawford is the candidate for the Green Party. (Image: Andrew Crawford) “As with most political priorities, our education system favours the rich, (who can pay privately) and penalises everyone else.  

“We need additional funding for higher teacher:student ratios in state education, funding for meals for all school children, and an end to student loans, reverting back to state-funded further education, which is available for all. 


Javeria Hussain. Labour.  

Javeria Hussain is the parliamentary candidate for the Labour Party this upcoming general election.Javeria Hussain is the parliamentary candidate for the Labour Party this upcoming general election. (Image: North East Cambridgeshire Labour) "Every child deserves the best education.  

“Labour will recruit 6,500 specialist teachers, modernise our curriculum to include sport, music and the arts, as well as making apprenticeships and technical colleges a realistic alternative to university.  

“But, as someone who grew up on Free School Meals, I know economic inequality is a major cause of educational inequality.  

“Labour will provide free breakfast clubs in all primary schools to make sure every child can come to work and focus on learning rather than being hungry." 


David Patrick. Independent.  

David Patrick is standing as an Independent candidate in North East Cambridgeshire.David Patrick is standing as an Independent candidate in North East Cambridgeshire. (Image: David Patrick) “No comments at this stage, I feel I am not as yet informed enough on this subject.” 


Clayton Payne. Workers Party of Britain.  

Clayton Payne is The Worker's Party candidate for North East Cambridgeshire.Clayton Payne is The Worker's Party candidate for North East Cambridgeshire. (Image: Clayton Payne)

“The current education system faces significant challenges, including underfunding and inequality. I believe in a robust, well-funded public education system that serves all children effectively. 

  • Increased Funding: I propose increasing funding for schools to ensure smaller class sizes, better resources, and improved facilities. 
  • Curriculum Reform: I will advocate for a curriculum that balances academic, vocational, and life skills education, preparing students for a variety of future careers, giving children valuable skills that will lead to a more prosperous life. 
  • Teacher Support: Investing in teacher training and development is crucial. I advocate for competitive salaries and continuous professional development opportunities for teachers. 
  • Free Education: I advocate for free education from primary through university, removing financial barriers for students and families.” 


Chris Thornhill. Reform UK. 

Christopher Thornhill is standing for the Reform party.Christopher Thornhill is standing for the Reform party. (Image: Christopher Thornhill) “Reform UK wants an education system that ensures young people are proud of Britain and learn the skills, character, and values to succeed in life. 

“No gender questioning, social transitioning or pronoun swapping. Inform parents of under 16s about their children’s life decisions. Schools must have single sex facilities. 

“Permanent Exclusions for Violent and Disruptive Students. We will double the number of Pupil Referral Units (PRUs) so schools can function safely. We will also ensure that best practice is spread across PRUs. 

“Scrap Interest on Student Loans. Restrict undergraduate numbers well below current levels, too many courses are not good enough and students are being ripped off. Enforce minimum entry standards. 

“The option of two-year courses would reduce student debt and allow earlier entry into employment to help pay it off.”