We asked the 2024 Election candidates for the North East Cambridgeshire constituency to tell us what they thought about the current state of the NHS, and comment on hospital and dentistry waiting times. 

We’ve already asked for their views on the cost-of-living crisisthe Wisbech incinerator and education.

You can also get to know the candidates... 

Steve Barclay. Conservative.  

Steve Barclay is the Conservative candidate for North East Cambridgeshire.Steve Barclay is the Conservative candidate for North East Cambridgeshire. (Image: Steve Barclay) "I will always work to make sure people in North East Cambridgeshire have good access to local healthcare. 

"As Health Secretary, I was delighted to announce that the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Kings Lynn and Hinchingbrooke Hospital in Huntingdon, which are both so important to Fenland communities, are to be rebuilt with state-of-the-art facilities. 

"We’ve also added the new community diagnostic centre at North Cambs Hospital so more patients can get potentially life-saving checks nearer to home. 

"Waiting lists are falling after the spike caused by the Covid pandemic thanks to record investment in the NHS. 

"Our plan for above inflation investment in the NHS every year will ensure they continue to reduce. 

"Across the country, we will build or modernise 250 GP surgeries, and build 50 more community diagnostic centres to carry out 2.5m more checks a year. 

"Our Dental Recovery Plan will unlock 2.5m more NHS dental appointments across the country. 

"Rural communities like ours are to benefit from incentives to encourage dentists to work in these areas under the plan. 

"And it’s great to see that 135 pharmacies in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough have signed up to the Pharmacy First scheme, offering NHS consultations and supplying prescription-only medicines for many common conditions."


David Chalmers. Liberal Democrat.  

David Chalmers is the Liberal Democrat candidate for North East Cambridgeshire.David Chalmers is the Liberal Democrat candidate for North East Cambridgeshire. (Image: Supplied by David Chalmers) "The Liberal Democrats put fixing our health and social care services at the heart of our policies.  Good health gives people the freedom to live their lives as they choose.

"A thriving economy needs a healthy population. Universal high-quality healthcare, free at the point of use, is essential for the prosperity of our country.

"The Tories have plunged the NHS into crisis.

"Our health services here in Fenland are under immense pressure following years of under investment and mismanagement by the Conservative government.  

"People are no longer confidant that when they need medical help, they can get it.  

"Our bold plan to save the country’s health services includes. 

  • Give everyone the right to see a GP within seven days, or within 24 hours if urgent, with 8,000 more GPs to deliver it – reducing pressure on hospitals and A&E and ambulances. Last year 7,924 patients waited over 24 hours to be admitted to hospital at A&E in Peterborough City Hospital and 982 in King’s Lynn. Totally unacceptable! 
  • Guarantee access to NHS dentist for everyone needing urgent and emergency care – ending DIY dentistry and dental deserts.  
  • Boost cancer survival rates by guaranteeing 100 per cent of patients to start cancer treatment within 62 days from urgent referral."


Andrew Crawford. Green Party.  

Andrew Crawford is the candidate for the Green Party.Andrew Crawford is the candidate for the Green Party. (Image: Andrew Crawford) “The NHS (and the services it provides) should be brought back into public ownership as far too much NHS funding is effectively being 'given away' in private contracts.  

“All healthcare, social care and dental care needs funding at a level which meets the needs of the population.  

“All health and social care should be available to all, and free at the point of use.” 


Javeria Hussain. Labour.  

Javeria Hussain is the parliamentary candidate for the Labour Party this upcoming general election.Javeria Hussain is the parliamentary candidate for the Labour Party this upcoming general election. (Image: North East Cambridgeshire Labour) "A Labour government will cut NHS waiting times for appointments by providing 40,000 more appointments every week over evenings and weekends.   

“We will double the number of cancer scanners available.  There will be a new Dentistry Rescue Plan.   

“8,500 additional mental health staff will be employed and we will return to having family doctors.   

“The Labour manifesto sets out in detail the measures needed to achieve these targets including improving and modernising the appointment system, social care and the NHS working more closely together in a neighbourhood health service and the creation of a National Care Service with improved employment terms and conditions for care workers. 

“GPs will be incentivised to continue to see patients with ongoing and complex health needs to improve consistency of treatment.   

“Regarding dentistry the contracts will be reformed with the focus on prevention, and recruitment and retention of NHS dentists." 


David Patrick. Independent.  

David Patrick is standing as an Independent candidate in North East Cambridgeshire.David Patrick is standing as an Independent candidate in North East Cambridgeshire. (Image: David Patrick) “The health service is broken due to lack of investment.  

“Doctors, nurses and dentists are being drained to other countries who are able to offer better pay and living conditions.  

“We need real investment to train staff.  

“We also need to give incentives to people from other countries with the correct qualifications the opportunity to come and work here.  

“We need to fund to increase the number of appointments available and ensure that hospitals are working to capacity.  

“I have been to hospital as an outpatient to find I am the only one seemingly there. 

“Performance targets need to be set and adhered to.  

“It is not an overnight fix and the Conservatives need to be asked how many people are dying needlessly as a result of their underfunding and cost cutting.” 


Clayton Payne. Workers Party of Britain.  

Clayton Payne is The Worker's Party candidate for North East Cambridgeshire.Clayton Payne is The Worker's Party candidate for North East Cambridgeshire. (Image: Clayton Payne) Improvement Plans: Access to healthcare is a priority for me, particularly increasing access to GPs and dentists, and reducing hospital waiting times. 

  • Increased Funding: I will push for substantial increases in NHS funding, financed by a wealth tax on large estates and reallocation of resources from debt servicing and corporate subsidies. 
  • GP and Dentist Availability: I will work to increase the number of training places for doctors and dentists and provide incentives for them to work in underserved areas like North East Cambridgeshire. 
  • Reducing Waiting Times: I will advocate for increased investment in expanding hospital capacity, building new hospitals, and upgrading existing facilities to reduce waiting times. I also support using modern technology and streamlined processes to improve efficiency in the healthcare system. 


Chris Thornhill. Reform UK. 

Christopher Thornhill is standing for the Reform party.Christopher Thornhill is standing for the Reform party. (Image: Christopher Thornhill) “Despite record extra funding in recent years, NHS healthcare outcomes have declined. 

“While still free at the point of delivery, our healthcare needs major reforms to improve results and enjoy zero waiting lists. 

“Hence UK Reform will harness independent and not-for-profit health provision in the UK and overseas.  

“Cut waiting times with a campaign of ‘Pharmacy First, GP Second, A&E Last’.  

“We will offer tax incentives for new pharmacies and those who employ more staff to assist in relieving pressure on A&E.”