The General Election will take place on July 4, 2024 and seven candidates have put themselves forward to be the next MP for North East Cambridgeshire.  

They are:-

  • Steve Barclay. Conservative. 
  • David Chalmers. Liberal Democrat. 
  • Andrew Crawford. Green Party. 
  • Javeria Hussain. Labour. 
  • David Patrick. Independent. 
  • Clayton Payne. Workers Party of Britain. 
  • Chris Thornhill. Reform UK.

Each has submitted a few words about themselves and have explained why they should have your vote. 

Steve Barclay, Conservative candidate. 

Steve Barclay is the Conservative candidate for North East Cambridgeshire.Steve Barclay is the Conservative candidate for North East Cambridgeshire. (Image: Steve Barclay) "Ever since I first stood as a general election candidate for North East Cambridgeshire back in 2010, I have been a local champion standing up for our Fenland communities. 

"My key priorities have always been to ensure local access to healthcare services, to champion local schools, to secure investment and funding for our area and to keep vital road upgrades and other transport improvements on track. 

"Living with my family near Wisbech, I know how crucial addressing these issues can be in rural areas where people frequently have to travel significant distances to use public services. 

"I am also a passionate sports fan. So I am delighted to have helped secure more leisure facilities locally, such as the 3G pitch at Wisbech St Mary Football Club. 

"I am proud to be able to represent farming and rural communities in the heart of government as Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, helping to deliver the biggest ever farming grant and the most popular agricultural support scheme, the Sustainable Farming Incentive. 

"In my previous role as Health Secretary, I championed the needs of rural communities for more local healthcare facilities, including helping to ensure the opening of Community Diagnostic Centres and the building of new hospitals at Hinchingbrooke and King’s Lynn."

David Chalmers, Liberal Democrats candidate. 

David Chalmers is the Liberal Democrat candidate for North East Cambridgeshire.David Chalmers is the Liberal Democrat candidate for North East Cambridgeshire. (Image: Supplied by David Chalmers) Born in Aylesbury, David studied German and European law at Edinburgh University, before his family moved to North Devon, where he recently served for 7 years as a local councillor, Mayor of Northam, Chair of Devon’s town and parish councils and Governor of Petroc College. 

David currently resides in Letchworth and sits on North Hertfordshire District Council and stood previously for Parliament in 2017 and 2019 in Torridge and West Devon.  

Before entering politics David had a successful international business career.

Starting out at HM Treasury he went on to run the commercial operations of the Economist Group across Asia Pacific and China, where his team won the Queen’s Award for Enterprise. 

A passionate human rights advocate David co-founded the Kaleidoscope Trust, is a Trustee of Sunrise Diversity and ALDE Rainbow Ambassador for his support for LGBT+ rights.   

David was elected last year as Chair of the Lib Dems’ international relations committee responsible for coordinating his party’s foreign policy and developing relations with liberal parties around the world – in particular Europe.  

In his free time David is an avid reader, keen theatre and cinema goer, loves travel, speaks several languages, is a strong swimmer and cyclist and enjoys long walks with his dog Archie.   


Andrew Crawford, Green Party candidate. 

David Chalmers is the Liberal Democrat candidate for North East Cambridgeshire.David Chalmers is the Liberal Democrat candidate for North East Cambridgeshire. (Image: Andrew Crawford) Andrew has lived in March since 2001 when he moved to the area with his then young family.  

He is married and has three adult children living in the local area. His employment and business background includes: sales, finance, website development and before retiring in 2021, he managed a holiday accommodation agency. 
Andrew writes: 

“I began looking into Green Party policy prior to the 2015 general election when deciding who to vote for. I was particularly interested in policy surrounding tax and welfare.  

“It seemed to me rather daft to have the situation where members of society were locked into a 'benefits trap' (where they would lose-out on welfare if they worked) and at the same time the NHS was being underfunded, education underfunded, pensions underfunded, whilst the richest in society paid proportionately little in tax.  

“Green Party policy seemed to me to have many of the answers. 

“I have also always supported environmental issues even before 'Climate Change' become a known phenomena.  

“Whether that's reusing and recycling or healthier transport choices. We need to embrace a future where we leave oil and gas in the ground and develop cleaner greener and reliable 
energy sources. 

“The combination of 'a fairer society and tax system' and a 'cleaner greener safer world to live in', made the Green Party a natural choice for me and so these are the principles which would drive me and I would adhere to, if elected as MP.” 

Javeria Hussain, Labour candidate. 

Javeria Hussain is the parliamentary candidate for the Labour Party this upcoming general election.Javeria Hussain is the parliamentary candidate for the Labour Party this upcoming general election. (Image: North East Cambridgeshire Labour) "On Thursday, July 4, the people of Fenland have an opportunity to vote for change. We have all been let down by 14 years of Tory failure.  

"When Liz Truss crashed the economy - backed by our local Tory MP - it was people like us who paid the price. I grew up on free school meals, and now I volunteer in a community soup kitchen. I know the consequences of government action - good and bad.  

"I grew up on free school meals but was given the opportunity to get a law degree and ended up working at a top law firm.  But the past 14 years of Tory government have seen opportunities that I had taken away. Labour is pledging to reverse that. We have a plan for more teachers, more doctor and dentist appointments, more green jobs of the future including opportunities for our young people. 

"But it's not just about just about delivering for you and your family. It's about making society fairer. Labour wants to tackle high crime and high immigration, deliver better infrastructure, restore vibrant high streets, and support young people get on the property ladder.  

"If elected, I will work to deliver all of that by working hard alongside a Labour government and our Labour-run combined authority."   


David Patrick, Independent candidate. 

David Patrick is standing as an Independent candidate in North East Cambridgeshire.David Patrick is standing as an Independent candidate in North East Cambridgeshire. (Image: David Patrick) "My name is David Patrick and I was born in Wisbech, and as a District and Town Councillor for over 10 years, I have decided to put people before parties, standing as an independent candidate.  

"I am a seasoned professional who, having spent my early childhood in care, overcame challenges to go on and successfully run companies for over 28 years with a wealth of business experience. I have supported the town with my expertise in the transport industry. 

"I am known for my assertive but friendly approach to challenges, with an innovative and problem-solving nature.  

"I am a good listener and empathetic to residents that are going through the cost of living crisis.  

"My proven track record of challenging controversial decisions affecting residents such as the incinerator which I instigated the first public meeting leading to the formation of WisWin, which the other parties failed to grasp initially. 

"I am a dedicated public servant and have a clear passion for improving life for residents in North East Cambridgeshire.  

"You only have to come along to my local village hall and see the team of volunteers who keep over 100 visitors entertained on a weekly basis preventing social isolation.  

"My background in community service has been instrumental in implementing projects and policies that support economic development and environmental sustainability and social well-being in the district." 


Clayton Payne, Workers Party candidate.  

Clayton Payne, is the Workers Party candidate for North East Cambridgeshire.Clayton Payne, is the Workers Party candidate for North East Cambridgeshire. (Image: Clayton Payne) "I was raised in Chatteris and have spent the last 15 years in Wisbech, making our community my lifelong home.  

"Highly active within the local grassroots football community for years, I have seen firsthand the strengths and challenges we face as a community. 

"As a parent of two children attending the Neale-Wade Academy in March, I am deeply invested in the quality of our education system. 

"It is unacceptable that five of our local schools rank among the worst in Cambridgeshire.  

"I am committed to advocating for better funding and resources to ensure our children receive the education they deserve.  

"In my professional life, I work as a Chief Operating Officer for an alternative protein company, where I drive innovation and sustainability.  

"The most important things to people in our community are good jobs, more investment, and making our area as successful as possible.  

"I want to see more grants brought to the area to stimulate local businesses so that people can earn a good wage living and working locally, without the need to commute to towns outside the area.  

"I am also passionate about improving our local infrastructure.  

"We need a new train line in Wisbech, enhanced community bus services, and expanded facilities at the North Cambs Hospital.  

"Our National Health Service is the backbone of our community, and I will fight to protect and enhance it, ensuring everyone has access to high-quality healthcare.  

"For me, there is no difference between Conservative, Labour, or Liberal Democrat’s they don’t care about local issues - I'm 100 per cent invested in our area and committed to making a positive impact.  

"Together, we can make North East Cambridgeshire a better place for all. 


Christopher Thornhill, Reform candidate. (Words are from Reform UK website profile). 

Christopher Thornhill is standing for the Reform party.Christopher Thornhill is standing for the Reform party. (Image: Christopher Thornhill) Biography 

"I wonder how many of you are like me and feel so disengaged with modern day politics? It appears today, all the main parties act the same, with plausible sound-bite policies and rhetoric, but no meaningful plan for change."

My Principles 

"Politics needs to change by bringing in people with real life experience, who think and talk common-sense. I have three simple but practical principles: 

  • Fairness – everyone should be treated fairly, and we should play by the same rules. 
  • Meritocracy – opportunities should be given (or at least considered) to people with the right skills, aptitude, and experience. 
  • Democracy – free to discuss opinions and ideas, and then voting on them is a fair and right way to make key decisions. 

About Me 

"I have been working for over 40 years and involved in many industries starting out in the nuclear sector and now working in life sciences. I have been an IT project manager for over 20 years so understand how to deliver change by focusing on meaningful outcomes."

The Environment 

"I also consider myself as an environmentalist and I want to leave this world in a better state than I found it. Practically, this means I believe that we need strategies for sustainability and energy with the aim of reducing consumption and maximising the natural resource we do have.

"Whether you believe in “Net-Zero” or not, I do believe we need to ween ourselves off fossil-based fuels by focusing on developing a diverse range of British-owned clean energy technologies and aiming to provide world-leading job opportunities and energy security."

My Mission 

"My hope for the future is that this country becomes functional again, by reducing red-tape and inefficiencies and introducing modern best practices.

"I will always challenge proposals and seek the undiluted truth, to ensure decisions are fair and deliver high value for the country."