A care home in Wisbech has been helping with the Fenland Orchard Project.

Orchard House residents and staff visited to put up their sign on the wall in the barn.

They are growing vegetables and herbs to support The Feed Fenland project and are preparing to hand what they have grown very soon.

"We have more seeds to sow to continue supporting the project," said Miranda from the home.

"Our residents are enjoying seeing the progress of what they started to grow in our greenhouse."

The Orchard House team has visited the allotment since they were first getting set up and have looked forward to working with Andrew and Malcom at the Orchard.

They have supported and made accommodations for residents so they can comfortably get around the allotment and access the planters.

They have provided lots of seating so they can take regular rest breaks.

"Our gardeners, Penny, Joy, Wally, Roy, Jim, and Michael are enjoying planting and growing as much as they can to support our local community," added Miranda.