There was much to celebrate when Wisbech Rugby Club held its annual club and senior players awards evening earlier this month.

The event, sponsored by Elgoods, was held a the club held their annual awards evening for the 2023/24 season for senior players and club officials.

Director of rugby Leonard Veenendaal hosted the ceremony with 1st XV vice-captain Solomon Prestidge handing out the awards.

Veenendaal commented: "Having won the Counties 2 Eastern Counties 2022/23 league, the 1st XV were promoted and the club found itself playing at the highest league level it has ever competed in.

"Injuries and unavailability proved to be a major obstacle which resulting in us being on the wrong side of the results, the couple of times we were able to field a full strength side, we came away with resounding wins showing we are more than cable of competing at a higher level.

"The positive to take from it is the learning, especially for the younger players and taking this invaluable experience when we return to the Counties 2 Eastern Counties league in September. “

Volunteers who had contributed exceptional voluntary service to the club over and above their normal duties to the club where recognised.

Club secretary Dave Dobson, club photographer Andy Titmuss, AGR chair Marcus Hall, facilities officer Josh Anderson, club treasurer Tracy Veenendaal and 1st XV captain Jack Malkin. 

The chairman’s cup was shared by Luke Hare and George Overland for their dedicated contribution to coaching junior players on Sundays. 

Most Promising Young Player of the Year award was also shared by young backrowers Ari Baghdouyan and Owen Ketteringham.

Wisbech Standard: Most promising young players of the year was shared by Ari Baghdouyan and Owen Ketteringham.Most promising young players of the year was shared by Ari Baghdouyan and Owen Ketteringham. (Image: Wisbech Rugby Club)

1st XV Award for #Commitment #Pride #Passion on and off the field went to player-coach Gerhard Wessels.

1st XV Award for Top Try Scorer 2023/24: Raimondas Vinksna (8)

1st XV Award for Top Point Scorer 2023/24: Jack Malkin (83)

1st XV Most improved of the Year was shared by Ari Baghdouyan and Lucas Hardy

1st XV Player’s player of the Year: Ethan Garford  

1st XV Player of the Year: Samuel Anderson

In breaking with custom, the 2023/24 Club person of the Year was awarded to the entire 1st XV squad.

Director of Rugby Leonard Veenendaal said: "In the face of adversity and a difficult chapter in our club's history, the boys stuck together, battling to the end."

"1st XV backrow Bradley Williams who stepped up and played such a significant part on that tragic afternoon of October 14 when team mate Arturas Rudys  lost his life while playing for Wisbech 1st XV, was asked to collect the award on the behalf of the squad and every player who pulled on a red shirt this past season for club and town."